Wednesday, 23 January 2013

True Love and other improbable things

So, here you are, well, not actually here, you're there, where ever there is.
But, you're probably wondering, how did I get here?
Searching for porn possibly?  
That's okay, we won't judge.

Unless you were looking for freaky shit.
In which case you'd better click some ad's before we inform your ISP.
We kid, we kid, we understand, really.

Wait though.

No need to scrabble around desperately scrolling up to that little red X (plenty of time for that yet).
On the basis that you weren't looking for porn and you're not one of the few people I know whom I cajoled into looking at this place, why not stick around?

As if I don't talk enough shite already, I've decided to spread myself over this World Wide Webby thing (mind's out of the gutter please people, it wouldn't be pleasant).

So, I'm going to use this blog to talk about music, video-games, comics, movies, books and general pop culture stuff.

But not sports...never sports
And I promise not to talk politics unless I'm calling someone a cunt.

Which I probably will.


Chances of me not hating something this week.

Of course, I may just post some silly gifs and pictures of topless girls.
Depends on how much I've been drinking really.
And a note to Americans and other aliens, this blog is definitely NSFW.
If you're an American who already knows me, you'll know that I'm rarely safe for work or indeed life itself.

So that's alright.

I only posted this in the hope of hits, I swear.

Anyway, I've been JSayonara and you haven't.
Who knows, I may even be funny occasionally, stranger things have happened.

Feel free to post a comment, even if it's just to call me a dopey cunt.
It's alright, I'm used to it.

Oh look, a monkey.

No monkeys were harmed in the writing of this blog, although I did step on the cat.



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